June 10, 2013

2013 June shoot results

Yellow Mike says: 
Here are the results of the 9 June shoot:

Congratulations to Sunday’s winner in the Duelist (one-handed) category, Stinky Pete, and to the winner in the Traditional (two-handed) group, Vaquero Dan.
We would like to officially welcome the new shooters who joined us this weekend. It is a shame that you have fallen in with such evil companions. Hopefully your prayers will help them return to the straight and narrow before you become as disreputable as they are. In case you intend to return despite your better judgment, the dates for the matches for the rest of the year are 15 September, 13 October, 10 November, and 15 December.
If you would like to sight in you weapons and practice at our range, we are usually there most Sundays. Give me a call to make sure we are not away at a musket shoot, and we will be glad to accommodate you.